Volume 11, Issue 11
November 2020


Our monthly newsletter addresses consumer insurance topics as well as timely information on issues affecting senior citizens in Louisiana.


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FAQs: After the Storm

My neighbor’s tree fell on my property and caused damage. Is the neighbor’s homeowners insurance company responsible for payment of my repairs?

Generally speaking, if your neighbor’s healthy tree falls on your home, fence, or other property, it is your insurance company’s responsibility to pay for repairing the damage. Your neighbor’s insurer would probably only accept liability and pay for the damage if the tree was dead or weakened in such a way that the owner should have known it was dangerous before it fell.

What types of storm damage are covered under my auto policy?

Vehicles that are overturned by the force of the wind or blown into or against other objects by the wind are considered damaged by wind storm and should be covered under Comprehensive auto insurance. Broken auto glass caused by objects blown by the wind is usually covered by Comprehensive. If Comprehensive coverage, sometimes called “Other Than Collision” coverage is included in your policy, wind and flood damages should be covered.

How should we document the damage for the insurance company?

Taking photos and videos of your property is the best way to document damages for your insurance company. Creating a home inventory before a disaster strikes will help make the process of documenting damages to your property a whole lot simpler.

How soon does the insurance company have to pay me the money it owes me for the repairs to my property?

Sometimes you will receive a check quickly. However, an insurance company has up to 30 days to pay your claim after you give them satisfactory proof of loss.

My insurance company has issued payment for a claim and my file is now closed. I have discovered additional damage. Can my file be reopened?

Closed files can be reopened if additional damage or expense is uncovered after an initial claim payment. 

If I am not satisfied with the service that my insurance company has given me, how do I file a complaint with the Department of Insurance?

You can file a complaint with the LDI online at www.ldi.la.gov/fileacomplaint or call the Consumer Services Division at 225-342-1226 or 800-259-5300.

Health Folder

2021 Open Enrollment Reminder

The open enrollment period for health insurance through the Health Insurance Marketplace runs from November 1 through December 15, 2020. People who do not receive healthcare through their employers can sign up through the online Health Insurance Marketplace and purchase individual policies sold by agents and insurers. If you currently have marketplace coverage, or will need it in 2021, you are encouraged to shop for plans. If you do not enroll by the deadline, December 15, you must qualify for a Special Enrollment Period.

Here are a few questions to consider when shopping for health insurance:

  • Do you have a known health condition (pre-existing condition)?
  • What prescription drugs do you need?
  • Do you have a family doctor or hospital?
  • Are you able to pay the full cost for services until a deductible is reached?

Health coverage will begin January 1, 2021, for those who choose a plan by December 15. If you have questions about the Health Insurance Marketplace, contact us 1-800-259-5300.



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Office of Consumer Advocacy
(225) 219-0619 or (800) 259-5300

P.O Box 94214

Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9214
[email protected]