June 6, 2024


Commissioner Temple Hosts Hurricane Preparedness Meeting With Top 20 LA Insurers

Insurance Commissioner Tim Temple recently hosted a hurricane preparedness meeting with senior claims officials from Louisiana’s top 20 property and casualty insurers in advance of this year’s potentially active hurricane season. The meeting is part of Commissioner Temple’s more comprehensive approach to making sure insurers are prepared to handle claims following a hurricane or other catastrophic event.

“Since taking office in January, I have said time and again that I want to do things a bit differently, especially when it comes to working with insurers writing in our state,” said Commissioner Temple. “I want to facilitate a healthy relationship between companies and the department with a focus on getting claims managed and paid as quickly as possible following a hurricane.”

Commissioner Temple’s post-disaster recovery plan includes the creation of the LDI Emergency Operations Center (EOC), which will host insurance industry claims representatives at the LDI to foster clear and responsive communication between insurers, policyholders and the LDI in the aftermath of a catastrophe. He also stressed the importance of partnering with local, state and federal government agencies to participate in larger scale response and recovery efforts after a natural disaster.

“I thought this meeting was a necessary part of ensuring that the industry understands my expectations when it comes to making the claims experience as smooth as possible for Louisianans going through one of the worst times of their life,” said Commissioner Temple. “It’s important for the industry to understand that every interaction they have with a policyholder, whether it’s the initial meeting with the claims adjuster or a call to discuss the status of the payment, is an opportunity to clearly communicate what’s going on with the claim.”

The LDI Office of Insurance Fraud is also urging policyholders, insurers and other stakeholders to stay alert for instances of insurance and contractor fraud and help prevent residents from falling victim to potential scammers. Commissioner Temple encouraged company officials to report any suspicion of insurance fraud to the LDI as soon as possible.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has predicted an above-average 2024 Atlantic hurricane season with 17 to 25 named storms, 13 of which are forecast to become hurricanes, including four to seven major hurricanes. Hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30.

About the Louisiana Department of Insurance: The Louisiana Department of Insurance works to improve competition in the state’s insurance market while assisting individuals and businesses with the information and resources they need to be informed consumers of insurance. As a regulator, the LDI enforces the laws that provide a fair and stable marketplace and makes certain that insurers comply with the laws in place to protect policyholders. You can contact the LDI by calling 1-800-259-5300 or visiting