Holiday Insurance Reminders
The holiday season is here but before you begin the festive fun take steps to protect yourself and your property. Here are a few reminders:
Auto Insurance. Always keep a copy of your insurance cards in your vehicle. Check your liability limits to make sure you have adequate protection against injury or damage if you cause an accident.
Homeowners Insurance. Your policy may cover some medical expenses if a guest has an accident in your home. Call your insurance agent or company to check your liability limits.
Health Insurance. Review your policy and make note of hospitals, pharmacies and urgent care centers that accept your insurance. Remember if you visit an out-of-network provider you should expect to pay more for treatment.
It’s best to understand your policy so there are no surprises if you ever need to file a claim. If you have questions or concerns about your policy, don’t be afraid to contact your agent or insurance company.

Mark Your Calendar
The Medicare Open Enrollment deadline is December 7. It’s time to wrap up your review of Medicare plans and sign up. Remember, our SHIIP staff can answer your questions and provide guidance.
If you’re signing up for healthcare through the Marketplace and would like coverage in place by January 1, you must sign up by December 15. The enrollment period for the Health Insurance Marketplace ends January 15.

Safe Driving Tips
The Louisiana Department of Insurance wants you to make it to your destination safely this holiday season. Before you hit the road:
Buckle up. A seat belt is one of the most effective ways to save lives and reduce injuries after a crash.
Maintain speed limits. Obey all speed limits and watch out for hazardous road conditions.
Avoid distracted driving. Limit distractions, and never use electronic devices to text or surf the web while behind the wheel.
Upcoming Events
Hurricane Ida Resource Center
Date: Saturday, December 4
Time: 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Location: Larose Civic Center
307 E. 5th Street, Larose, LA
View Louisiana's Open Meetings Law on the legislative website by clicking here.
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