After the Storm: Quick Facts
Hurricane Laura is a reminder of the importance of staying vigilant as we head toward the peak of hurricane season. If you were impacted by tropical weather, here are quick facts:
Minimize your losses and document the damage. Take photos of any damage and then make reasonable temporary repairs.
Keep your receipts. If you are unable to stay in your home due to damage from a storm, keep your receipts for lodging, food and essentials. Your policy may cover a portion of the costs while you are temporarily relocated.
Contact your insurance agent as soon as possible. Have your policy available if you need to file a claim. Find out whether the damage is covered under the terms of your policy.
If you have questions about your policy or filing a claim, contact us at 1-800-259-5300.

Cleaning Up After Severe Weather
After calling your agent or insurance company there are certain things you can do to clean up your property without causing problems with your claim.
• Before you enter your home, check to make sure the structure is not in danger of collapsing.
• Make sure the electricity is turned off at the main switch, and do not attempt to turn on any electrical lights or appliances until an electrician has checked your system.
• Open windows and doors to help dry out the house, let the air circulate to remove foul odors and help protect you from any leaking gas. Do not light any type of open flame because you could cause an explosion.
• It is a good idea to hose down hard goods such as major appliances, even if they are destroyed. But do not throw the damaged hard goods away because the adjuster will need to see them. The adjuster can help you decide what should be thrown away and what should be kept.
• It is best to throw out perishable foods as they may be contaminated. If your homeowners policy covers perishable foods, keep an itemized list of the things you throw out. Until local authorities proclaim your water supply safe, boil water for drinking and food preparation for five minutes before using.

I am unable to live in my apartment due to storm damage. Will my renters insurance policy help cover expenses?
Check your policy. Renters insurance may include coverage for additional living expenses like hotel bills.
What types of storm damage are covered under my auto policy?
If Comprehensive coverage is included in your policy, wind and flood damages should be covered. Vehicles that are overturned by the force of the wind or blown into or against other objects by the wind are considered damaged by wind-storm and should be covered under Comprehensive. Broken auto glass caused by objects blown by the wind is usually covered by Comprehensive.
My neighbor’s tree fell on my property and caused damage. Is the neighbor’s homeowners insurance company responsible for payment of my repairs?
Generally speaking, if your neighbor’s healthy tree falls on your home, fence, or other property, it is your insurance company’s responsibility to pay for repairing the damage. Your neighbor’s insurer would probably only accept liability and pay for the damage if the tree was dead or weakened in such a way that the owner should have known it was dangerous before it fell.
Do homeowners insurance policies cover flooding?
Homeowners policies do not cover most flooding. You need a separate flood insurance policy to protect your home and belongings against flood damage.
How soon does an insurance company have to pay me the money it owes me for the repairs to my property?
Sometimes you will receive a check quickly. However, an insurance company has up to 30 days to pay your claim after you give them satisfactory proof of loss.
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