June 18, 2024


Commissioner Temple Calls for Special Session on Legal Reform Following Governor’s Veto of HB 423

Governor Landry’s decision to veto HB 423, which passed with strong support in both legislative chambers, is discouraging for Louisiana citizens and business owners who anticipated progress addressing our state’s auto insurance crisis this session.

Louisianans have suffered from ridiculously expensive auto insurance premiums for far too long. We all have friends in states like Texas and Mississippi who save money while we pay twice as much to insure our family vehicles. Louisiana businesses, especially those near our borders, are setting up shop in other states to avoid our extreme rates.

I do agree with the Governor that we should always strive to fix issues with our civil law, but we can’t afford to wait another year before trying again on legal reform. Because of that, I’m asking Governor Landry, Senate President Henry and House Speaker DeVillier to call a special session so we can work together to pass legislation including changes to the collateral source rule and the Housley presumption.

Insurance change moves slowly. It is imperative that we prioritize starting the process of creating the competitive market our fellow citizens, business owners and truckers need and deserve. Governor Landry’s leadership was vital to the property insurance reform we achieved this session, and I look forward to working with him on legal reform as well.